Monday, 5 March 2012

Tips for travelling with Infants and Toddlers- from a mom with winged feet!

1. Go light. It is possible! Instead of carrying your entire bottles of baby lotion, shampoo etc- pour liquids into small travel-sized containers enough for the duration of your trip.
2. Buy a good lightweight acrylic blanket that folds int...o a small size
3. Look for accommodation that will give you kitchen rights- e.g. a houseboat in Kerala and homestay in Coorg, or a suite at a hotel. Very handy if you need to boil your own water or want your baby to get fresh purees etc
4. A good sturdy baby sling is a must. Or rent strollers at the destination instead of lugging your own.
5. Don't be afraid of giving your baby a small amount of "outside" food, if it is boiled or steamed like veggies or rice. Even in India.
6. As a backup, carry dry food like Cerelac and a mixing bowl + spoon. Disposables are great.
7. In cold places, dress baby in layers, alternating the outermost layer to minimize the need for carrying lots of clothes. Supplement with lots of bibs.
8. Carry small sizes of child-friendly bug repellents on camping trips
9. The most baby-friendly airline in India is Jet Airways. They will give you a seat next to a woman if you ask, or a seat all to yourself in the least-crowded area if available. If traveling alone, you will have a very caring escort from check-in to boarding and will ensure u get through security with minimum hassle.
10. To prevent diaper rash on long journeys by air or road, use a good barrier ointment like J & J oil gel before putting on a diaper.
11. Wherever you are, find a quiet place every couple of hours and feed baby.
12. Carry a thermos flask for warm water. Usually you get bottled mineral water everywhere.
13. Get a good baby sunscreen and try to stay out of direct sun. Else ...carry hats and umbrellas. Baby sling + umbrella totally works, rain or shine.
14. A sturdy and waterproof diaper bag is a given (I recommend Carter's). Always keep it packed with a small pack of wipes, couple of diapers, a canister of formula, a sipper cup, diaper ointment or barrier cream, change of clothes and underwear, bib, sweater and blanket.
15. Get a list of basic meds for fever, upset stomach, cough/cold, etc. just in case and carry small sizes of each just in case. If you are going abroad, carry a copy of your child's medical and immunization records.
16. Wipe or wash the kid's hands frequently. Hand-to-mouth transfer is inevitable but diligently cleaning will help minimize the damage.
16. Use hand sanitizer after every diaper change if there's no wash facility available
17. If you run short of clothes, buy something with local flavor for more fun pix!
18. Cotton and only cotton in summer. Powder frequently and liberally especially if confining baby to a car seat, to prevent heat rash.
19. Supply entertainment and variety of healthy biscuits on long car/train/plane travels
20. Locate good pediatricians and well-stocked baby stores beforehand at your destination, if you plan to be there for a long time. Ask among friends/friends of friends/relatives or even hotel staff for referrals.

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice list Meghana. Quite a comprehensive one!


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