Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Mommy Laws

  1. The duration of a toddler tantrum is directly proportional to the pressure on Mommy's bladder, the distance to the nearest washroom, and inversely proportional to the limits of normal human patience.
  2. Relativity comes naturally to toddlers when they develop the amazing ability to be in two places at once.
  3. A strong attraction exists between toddlers and water bodies of every imaginable size. Always watch your step.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

What's Baking?

In the faraway single days, I'd left the baking to my more talented room-mate, occasionally hazarding a brownie recipe from the Betty Crocker mix whenever the dark chocolate craving hit. But since my toddler hit the terrible-twos, I think our OTG (oven toaster grill)'s  a very solid buy. Baking is one helluva way to get EVERYTHING a fussy youngster wont eat, right down that hatch. I know, I know,  there's the mommy = baking stereotype but honestly, I couldn't care less. My skinny little one gobbles down the eggs, butter, fruit, veggies and atta that simply won't fly in any other formats! Get this right people: The way to a pediatrician's heart is through your child's stomach :) . I pat myself on the back as I mix yet another healthy yet yummy concoction.

I'm part of an online forum of enthusiastic bakers and recipe-sharers. Its awesome; its like having expert chefs, nutritionists and tech support all in one. 

As I write this there's a banana bread in the oven. The little one was ever so willing to help 'mix' the batter. The quantity that finally made it to the pan is a few spoonfuls less than what I'd started with...but hey, that is one happy youngster smelling absolutely yummy right now!

Try this for your kids, significant other, or as dessert tonight:


Friday 9 March 2012

Women's Day musings

Women's Day all over Facebook, in the newspapers, on TV. Makes me think this is really one of the best times in the history of the world to be a woman. We're educated, independent, opinionated, celebrated.
But once you start thinking about something, its only a few turns of the wheel before you start seeing the other side- notably, the section of the populace that doesn't know a Women's Day exists. The section that still feels a girl child is negligible, or ill luck and deserves to die in a horrible way minutes after her birth. As a mother, I feel knives ripping me up every time I read about something like this. As the mother of a delightful girl, I want to shake them and tell them what they're missing. And those who believe in putting their wives through yet another childbirth till a male heir is born. And those who will do the needful for their daughters just out of a sense of duty but secretly wish they had sons.

Its not just the uneducated class. Not by a long shot.

We went to check out a potential hospital for my delivery, and were getting the grand tour. There's this family in one room...private, too, not the general ward. A son had just been born just after 2 daughters, both of whom were present...and this disgusting dad who was gushing to all the guests about how they had been hoping and praying for a son, right in front of his daughters. The mother, stoic and silent. The grandmother, holding on to the infant for dear life. The daughters, looking at their oblivious father with such emotions flitting across their little faces that I just wanted to hug them.

How do you tackle something like this?

Monday 5 March 2012

Things I'd have done differently

Well, its not a regret if someone can get the benefit of your experience! So here goes-

  1. Put a lot of money in a fixed deposit and used the interest to buy diapers. In bulk. Those suckers do pile up. Oh and about 5 years worth of nose-wipe tissues.
  2. Been a lot more understanding of working mothers in general, long before I found myself in those shoes.
  3. Decided on an epidural early on in the birthing plan without wondering if I could "tough it out." The point where you are convinced the next contraction will finish you off is not the right moment to demand one :)
  4. Kissed my sleep goodbye with a calm mind. No one tells you how tough its going to be. It will be easier if one knew early on that they're gonna be best friends with the moon for the next couple of years.
  5. Done the dozens of things that come to mind now that I have no time to do them.

Best status updates since sporting a baby bump- 2009

  1.  I find BABY BUMP = VIP PASS...be it IndiJoe's or Bobby da Dhaba!
  2.  Getting ready for D-Day and superbored:  It's called "delivery" for a reason!
  3. First post returning home from hospital: Thanks all for their good wishes and says sorry for prolonging the suspense! I just got discharged today and am home with my new PINK bundle of...well, "joy" would be a colossal understatement!!
  4. Days are a haze.
  5. Baby CJ loves to hear mommy sing "I'll be all right" from Dostana :)
  6. Have to drink an awful syrup called Vitcofol that's got so much iron; it tastes like blood. YUCK. The "Twilight" Cullens would love it.
  7. "Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials."__Meryl Streep
  8. Finally got 8 hours of sleep over the last 24 hours: 2 + 0.5 + 2 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 0.5.
  9. It's beyond amazing to be recognized......by a 3-week old human being.
  10. to everybody on "Namewatch"....Baby CJ gets her official name this Sunday!
  11. is feeling the accumulated effects of 7 weeks of sleep deprivation! :(
  12. Baby CJ's name is...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aria 
  13. Reaching new levels of multitasking: Comforting a cranky baby and emotional dog during a thunderstorm/power cut while trying work the emergency light and grab a well-earned bite. And I haven't even gone back to work yet!
  14.  Countdown to Bangalore. 3...2...1. WHERE DID THE TIME GO??? will be cursing Bangalore traffic "live" at this time tomorrow.
  15. There is a first time for everything..."Flying with an Infant"---Check!
  16. Back at work this time tomorrow. Again..WHERE DID THE TIME GO???
  17. Good to be back in the old cube!! Thanks to my cool cube neighbors mostly :)
  18. Before motherhood: Live to eat. After: Eat to live.
  19. got hit on, and called "aunty" all in one day. Confused!!!
  20. taking Aria to see the Christmas lights at UB City
  21. New item on my diet...Cerelac :)

The Mother is Sitting Phenomenon

During an especially harassed week, my dad, who loves to find hidden gems in secondhand book stores, presented me with "Aunt Erma's Cope Book- How to Get from Monday to Friday- in 12 days." The famous American humorist was also a stay-at-home mom who managed to whip out features and humorous books over a career spanning many years. Don't take my word for it- read on! I can see you nodding in agreement from here :)

For years, I have studied the phenomenon of the mother who sits down for a moment to get off her feet. From all I've been able to gather, a message goes out over an invisible network that flashes to the world "Mother is in a sitting positio...n. Proceed and de-sit."

At that moment the doorbell will ring, children will appear holding vital parts of their anatomy, the dog will dig his paws insistently into a leg, a husband will call impatiently for help, a pot will boil over, a buzzer will sound, or faucets will go on all over the house, and a loud voice will shriek, "I'm telling."

The "Mother is sitting" phenomenon is probably one of the reasons meditation never really got a foothold on mothers when they were the ones who needed it the most.----From "Aunt Erma's Cope Book: How to get from Monday to Friday in 12 days

Tips for travelling with Infants and Toddlers- from a mom with winged feet!

1. Go light. It is possible! Instead of carrying your entire bottles of baby lotion, shampoo etc- pour liquids into small travel-sized containers enough for the duration of your trip.
2. Buy a good lightweight acrylic blanket that folds int...o a small size
3. Look for accommodation that will give you kitchen rights- e.g. a houseboat in Kerala and homestay in Coorg, or a suite at a hotel. Very handy if you need to boil your own water or want your baby to get fresh purees etc
4. A good sturdy baby sling is a must. Or rent strollers at the destination instead of lugging your own.
5. Don't be afraid of giving your baby a small amount of "outside" food, if it is boiled or steamed like veggies or rice. Even in India.
6. As a backup, carry dry food like Cerelac and a mixing bowl + spoon. Disposables are great.
7. In cold places, dress baby in layers, alternating the outermost layer to minimize the need for carrying lots of clothes. Supplement with lots of bibs.
8. Carry small sizes of child-friendly bug repellents on camping trips
9. The most baby-friendly airline in India is Jet Airways. They will give you a seat next to a woman if you ask, or a seat all to yourself in the least-crowded area if available. If traveling alone, you will have a very caring escort from check-in to boarding and will ensure u get through security with minimum hassle.
10. To prevent diaper rash on long journeys by air or road, use a good barrier ointment like J & J oil gel before putting on a diaper.
11. Wherever you are, find a quiet place every couple of hours and feed baby.
12. Carry a thermos flask for warm water. Usually you get bottled mineral water everywhere.
13. Get a good baby sunscreen and try to stay out of direct sun. Else ...carry hats and umbrellas. Baby sling + umbrella totally works, rain or shine.
14. A sturdy and waterproof diaper bag is a given (I recommend Carter's). Always keep it packed with a small pack of wipes, couple of diapers, a canister of formula, a sipper cup, diaper ointment or barrier cream, change of clothes and underwear, bib, sweater and blanket.
15. Get a list of basic meds for fever, upset stomach, cough/cold, etc. just in case and carry small sizes of each just in case. If you are going abroad, carry a copy of your child's medical and immunization records.
16. Wipe or wash the kid's hands frequently. Hand-to-mouth transfer is inevitable but diligently cleaning will help minimize the damage.
16. Use hand sanitizer after every diaper change if there's no wash facility available
17. If you run short of clothes, buy something with local flavor for more fun pix!
18. Cotton and only cotton in summer. Powder frequently and liberally especially if confining baby to a car seat, to prevent heat rash.
19. Supply entertainment and variety of healthy biscuits on long car/train/plane travels
20. Locate good pediatricians and well-stocked baby stores beforehand at your destination, if you plan to be there for a long time. Ask among friends/friends of friends/relatives or even hotel staff for referrals.

What is the Motherhood Knot?

The Celtic Motherhood Knot or better known as The Celtic Mother's Knot is unassuming stylized holy trinity knot depicting a parent and child embrace. It is representative of the Madonna and child.
Being hugely into symbols, Celtic among others, I could think of no better name for my new blog. What would better represent a bond whose strength, purity and depth of love defies description?